Analyzing .NET Framework Application


NDepend can analyze .NET Framework applications. All .NET Framework versions are supported 4.x, 3.5, 2.x, 1.x.

In the picture below, we can see the panel NDepend > Project properties > Code to Analyze on an application that depends on the .NET Framework.

  • The .NET Profile is .NET Framework 4.0. This profile is detected automatically when analyzing a .NET Fx solution or some .NET Fx assemblies.
  • Directories that contain the .NET Framework assemblies are automatically referenced.
  • .NET Framework referenced assemblies are automatically resolved.
  • The runtime netfx4.x is shown for all application assemblies.
  • Note that if some assemblies are compiled against .NET Standard 2.0 for example, netstandard20 is shown instead.
  • All NDepend use-cases work when analyzing a .NET Framework application.
NDepend analyzing a .NET Framework application

Default Rules on .NET Framework Usage

NDepend proposes many default rules related to some .NET Framework API usage. Rule categories are:

In January 2020 we published this blog post: