For a list of all members of this type, see IIssue members.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
| AnnualInterest |
The estimated annual-interest generated by this issue, or in others words, the cost per year, to leave the issue unfixed.
| AnnualInterestPercent |
Gets this issue estimated annual interest percent, expressed in percent per year.
| BreakingPoint | Gets the time point from now when the estimated cost-to-not-fix this issue will reach the estimated cost-to-fix this issue. This time point is named the breaking point. |
| CodeElement |
Gets the code element that has the issue.
| CodeElementInBaseline | Gets the code element declared in the baseline code base snapshot, that has the issue, or null. |
| CodeElementInBaselineWasRemoved |
Gets a value indicating whether the code element declared in the baseline code base snapshot has no equivalent in the newer code base snapshot and thus, can be considered as removed..
| ColumnsNames | Gets the columns names corresponding to this issue Record. |
| Debt |
The estimated technical-debt generated by this issue, or in others words, the estimated effort to fix the issue.
| IsSuppressed | Returns true is this issue has been suppresses by the usage of a System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute. |
| Record | Gets the record of the NDepend.CodeQuery.IQueryExecutionSuccessResult.Records corresponding to this issue. |
| ReferenceRecord |
Gets a value indicating if the issues is referencing the record.
| Rule |
The rule from which the issue is inferred.
| Severity |
The estimated severity of the issue.
| SourceDecl | Returns the source file declaration of this issue, or null if not SourceFileDeclAvailable. |
| SourceFileDeclAvailable | Gets a value indicating whether source file declaration of this issue is available. |
See Also