For a list of all members of this type, see ICodeElementParent members.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
| ChildEvents |
Gets a sequence of events declared in this namespace. If this code element is declared in (or is) a third-party assembly, gets only events used by the application.
| ChildFields |
Gets a sequence of fields declared in this namespace. If this code element is declared in (or is) a third-party assembly, gets only fields used by the application.
| ChildMembers |
Gets a sequence of methods and fields declared in this scope. If this code element is declared in (or is) a third-party assembly, gets only methods and fields used by the application.
| ChildMethods |
Gets a sequence of methods declared in this namespace. If this code element is declared in (or is) a third-party assembly, gets only methods used by the application.
| ChildNamespaces |
Gets a sequence of namespaces declared in this scope. If this code element is declared in (or is) a third-party assembly, gets only methods used by the application.
| ChildProperties |
Gets a sequence of properties declared in this code element. If this code element is declared in (or is) a third-party assembly, gets only properties used by the application.
| ChildTypes |
Gets a sequence of types declared in this scope. If this code element is declared in (or is) a third-party assembly, gets only methods used by the application.
| ChildTypesAndMembers |
Gets a sequence of types, methods and fields declared in this scope. If this code element is declared in (or is) a third-party assembly, gets only types, methods and fields used by the application.
| DirectChildren |
Returns a sequence of direct children code elements.
| MeAndDirectChildren | Returns a sequence of this code element followed by its direct children code elements. |
| MeAndRecursiveChildren | Return a sequence of this code element followed by all its children code elements. |
| NbEvents |
Gets the number of events declared in this assembly, namespace or type. Gets null if the parent assembly is a third-party assembly.
| NbFields |
Gets the number of fields declared in this assembly, namespace or type. Gets null if the parent assembly is a third-party assembly.
| NbMethods |
Gets the number of methods declared in this assembly, namespace or type. Gets null if the parent assembly is a third-party assembly.
| NbProperties |
Gets the number of properties declared in this assembly, namespace or type. Gets null if the parent assembly is a third-party assembly.
| RecursiveChildren |
Returns a sequence of all children code elements.
See Also