For a list of all members of this type, see IAssembly members.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
| Abstractness |
Gets a float numeric nullable value in the range [0,1] assessing the ratio of the number of internal abstract types (i.e abstract classes and interfaces) to the number of internal types.
| AssembliesUsed |
Gets a sequence of assemblies that this assembly is using. If this assembly is a third-party assembly, gets an empty sequence.
| AssembliesUsingMe |
Gets a sequence of assemblies that are using this assembly.
| CompanyName | Get the string value of the attribute System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute, or empty string if this assembly hasn't such attribute. |
| ContainsNamespaceDependencyCycle | Gets a value indicating whether this application assembly contains a dependency cycle between its ICodeElementParent.ChildNamespaces. Gets null if this assembly is a third-party assembly. |
| DistFromMainSeq | Gets a float numeric nullable value equals to NormDistFromMainSeq / Sqrt(2), assessing the balance between Abstractness and Instability for this assembly. A returned value close to 0 indicates an ideal balance. |
| FilePath |
Gets this assembly main module file path, found during analysis.
| Instability |
Gets a float numeric nullable value in the range [0,1] assessing an value of the assembly's resilience to change..
| NbNamespaces |
Gets the number of namespaces declared in this assembly. Gets null if this assembly is a third-party assembly.
| NbTypes |
Gets the number of types declared in this assembly. Gets null if this assembly is a third-party assembly.
| NbTypesUsed |
Gets a numeric nullable value counting types outside this assembly used by child types of this assembly. Third-party types are taken account in this cout.
| NbTypesUsingMe |
Gets a numeric nullable value counting types outside this assembly using a child type of this assembly.
| NormDistFromMainSeq | Gets a float numeric nullable value in the range [0,1] assessing the balance between Abstractness and Instability for this assembly. A returned value close to 0 indicates an ideal balance. |
| PDBFound | Gets a boolean value that indicates if the PDB file for this assembly has been found at analysis time. |
| PublicKeyToken | Get the hexadecimal upper string value of the PublicKeyToken, or empty string if this assembly is not signed. |
| RelationalCohesion |
Gets a float numeric nullable value assessing this assembly child types average cohesion.
| TargetFrameworkName |
Gets the target framework name (TFM) of the assembly.
| TargetPlatform |
Gets the target platform of the assembly (Any CPU, x86, x64...).
| Version |
Gets the assembly version, the version specified with the System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute attribute.
| VisualStudioProjectFilePath | Gets this assembly corresponding Visual Studio project file path, if found at analysis-time, otherwise gets null. |
See Also